Vintage NV

San Rafael Medium sweet Oloroso, Bodegas Barbadillo

Bodegas Barbadillo
Product Code: BD30ZZRC

Tasting Notes

Mahogany in colour with aromas of dried fruit, nuts, plums and raisins, against subtle background of noble oak. Syrupy and smooth on the palate. Long finish allowing a full appreciation of the elegant qualities of old oloroso.


Palomino Fina, Pedro Ximénez
Bodegas Barbadillo
VI_Product Object
     => stdClass Object
            [Image1_URL] => BD30ZZRC.JPG
            [Image2_URL] => 
            [Image3_URL] => 
            [Image1Type] => Jpeg
            [Code] => BD30ZZRC
            [SecondaryDescription] => San Rafael  Medium sweet Oloroso, Bodegas Barbadillo
            [Description] => San Rafael  Medium sweet Oloroso
            [Vintage] => NV
            [UnitSize] => 37.5
            [CaseSize] => 6
            [VATType] => 0
            [VATRateNo] => 1
            [VATPercent] => 23
            [BinNo] => 
            [IsInCustomerList] => 
            [Notes1] => Mahogany in colour with aromas of dried fruit, nuts,
plums and raisins, against subtle background of noble oak.
Syrupy and smooth on the palate. Long finish allowing
a full appreciation of the elegant qualities of old oloroso.
            [Notes2] => Description Process: Once the fermentation of the Palomino
must has finished, the most robust wines are selected and
fortified with wine-based distilled spirit to bring the alcohol
content up to 18%. This fortified wine is know as sobretablas
and is destined for ageing in traditional Jerez botas, usually of
500 litre capacity. This ageing or crianza is achieved through
oxidation of the wine whilst in barrel and racking within each
tier of the criadera. This traditional system is characterised by
the carefully orchestrated movement of wine between the
Soleras and Criaderas within the different cellars. With this
particular wine, the ageing process lasts for a period of 12 years.
Once the wine is finally taken from the solera, it is carefully
blended with PX that has itself been matured in the same
system of Soleras and criaderas, in order to achieve the
required sweetness of a sweet oloroso.
            [Notes3] => Perfect pair with desserts and blue cheese.
Served chilled with ice.
            [Notes4] => 
            [MediaNotes] => "?       94 points – Guía Gourmets 2023
?       91 points – Guía Peñín 2023
?        93 points – Guía Gourmets 2022
?        92 points – Guía Peñín 2022
?        93 points – Guía Gourmets 2021
?        92 points – Guía Peñín 2021
?        94 points - Guía Gourmet 2020
?        90 points – Guía Peñín 2019
?        89 points – Guía Gourmets 2019
?        90 points – Guía Peñín 2018

            [ServingSuggestion] => Perfect pair with desserts and blue cheese.			

            [WineMakingNotes] => Description Process: Once the fermentation of the Palomino
must has finished, the most robust wines are selected and
fortified with wine-based distilled spirit to bring the alcohol
content up to 18%. This fortified wine is know as sobretablas
and is destined for ageing in traditional Jerez botas, usually of
500 litre capacity. This ageing or crianza is achieved through
oxidation of the wine whilst in barrel and racking within each
tier of the criadera. This traditional system is characterised by
the carefully orchestrated movement of wine between the
Soleras and Criaderas within the different cellars. With this
particular wine, the ageing process lasts for a period of 12 years.
Once the wine is finally taken from the solera, it is carefully
blended with PX that has itself been matured in the same
system of Soleras and criaderas, in order to achieve the
required sweetness of a sweet oloroso.
            [CreationDate] => 2023-01-25T16:04:05.76
            [StockTotalBottles] => 78
            [StockCases] => 13
            [StockBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderMaxDeliveryDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
            [BasketBottles] => 0
            [BasketCases] => 0
            [BsktLnNo] => 0
            [GroupCode] => C01
            [GroupName] => Rias Baixas
            [SubGroupCode] => C0106
            [SuperGroupCode] => 13
            [SpecialPriceOverride] => 0
            [UnitDescription] => Centilitre
            [ReportTag] => Standard Product
            [ReportTagCode] => A
            [WebProductCategory] => Drinks
            [WebProductCategoryCode] => 001
            [ExciseCode] => 3101
            [ExciseDescription] => IMP. STILL WINE N/E 15% VOL
            [Rating] => -1
            [MinimumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [MaximumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [AlcoholicPercentage] => 19.5
            [AlsoAvailableIn] =>  
            [Appellation] => Jerez
            [ResidualSugar] => 1.5
            [TitratableAcidity] => 5.5
            [Type] => Red
            [TypeCode] => 10
            [Style] => Lively, fruity & aromatic
            [StyleCode] => 007
            [OakedStyle] => Not Set
            [OakedStyleCode] => 0
            [ExpectedVintageChange] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1] => Cheese
            [FoodSuggestion2] => Sweet treats
            [FoodSuggestion3] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion4] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion5] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1Code] => 050
            [FoodSuggestion2Code] => 040
            [FoodSuggestion3Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion4Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion5Code] => 0
            [OrganicBiodynamic] => Not Set
            [OrganicBiodynamicCode] => 000
            [ClosureStyle] => Cork
            [ClosureStyleCode] => 10
            [WebDisplayRank] => 6
            [CustomListItem1] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem1Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem2] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem2Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem3] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem3Code] => 000
            [NextVintage] => 3.18
            [ConditionMarker] => Default Condition
            [CountryCode] => ES
            [CountryDescription] => SPAIN
            [WebCode] => A
            [OnlySellMultiplesOf] => 0
            [MinimumStockLevel1] => 28
            [MinimumStockLevel2] => 56
            [AlternativeStockCode] => 214
            [PriceListType] => L
            [GroupPromotionCode] => 
            [GrossCaseWeight] => 8.07
            [SpareItem1] =>  
            [SpareItem2] =>  
            [SpareItem3] =>  
            [SpareItem4] =>  
            [SpareItem5] =>  
            [IsNewWebProduct] => 
            [CustomDateTime1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomDate1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomTime1] => 00:00
            [CustCase] => 128
            [CustBott] => 21.33
            [CasePrice] => 128
            [CaseNett] => 128
            [CaseVAT] => 29.44
            [CaseList] => 128
            [BottleNett] => 0
            [BottleVAT] => 0
            [CasePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 128
            [BottlePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band1] => 128
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band3] => 128
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Grapes] => stdClass Object
                    [Grape] => stdClass Object
                            [GrapeCode] => G200
                            [GrapeName] => Palomino
                            [GrapeCharacteristics] => alomino is a white wine grape from Andalucia, southwestern Spain. It is the grape variety used to make Sherry.
The chalky and lime-rich soils that characterize the Jerez terroir allow Palomino to achieve the must weights required for Sherry production. The variety has low acidity and is not suited to producing table wines
                            [GrapePercent] => 100


            [GrowerCode] => BOD01
            [WinemakerCode] => BOD01
            [OwnerCode] => BOD01
            [ProducerCode] => BOD01
            [Grower] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BOD01
                    [Name] => Bodegas Barbadillo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => SPAIN
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] =>  Bodegas Barbadillo was founded in 1821 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. For two hundred years the family has been devoted to making quality wine with respect for tradition and a passion for innovation. This enduring commitment has earned Barbadillo its place as the foremost specialist in all sherry styles. With their origins in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, we are excited to introduce their range of exceptional Manzanillas. Their innovative approach is the future of this region, evolving and creating new styles to suit every palate. In their seventh generation of wine production the family are still looking at the future.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Winemaker] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BOD01
                    [Name] => Bodegas Barbadillo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => SPAIN
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] =>  Bodegas Barbadillo was founded in 1821 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. For two hundred years the family has been devoted to making quality wine with respect for tradition and a passion for innovation. This enduring commitment has earned Barbadillo its place as the foremost specialist in all sherry styles. With their origins in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, we are excited to introduce their range of exceptional Manzanillas. Their innovative approach is the future of this region, evolving and creating new styles to suit every palate. In their seventh generation of wine production the family are still looking at the future.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Owner] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BOD01
                    [Name] => Bodegas Barbadillo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => SPAIN
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] =>  Bodegas Barbadillo was founded in 1821 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. For two hundred years the family has been devoted to making quality wine with respect for tradition and a passion for innovation. This enduring commitment has earned Barbadillo its place as the foremost specialist in all sherry styles. With their origins in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, we are excited to introduce their range of exceptional Manzanillas. Their innovative approach is the future of this region, evolving and creating new styles to suit every palate. In their seventh generation of wine production the family are still looking at the future.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Producer] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BOD01
                    [Name] => Bodegas Barbadillo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => SPAIN
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] =>  Bodegas Barbadillo was founded in 1821 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. For two hundred years the family has been devoted to making quality wine with respect for tradition and a passion for innovation. This enduring commitment has earned Barbadillo its place as the foremost specialist in all sherry styles. With their origins in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, we are excited to introduce their range of exceptional Manzanillas. Their innovative approach is the future of this region, evolving and creating new styles to suit every palate. In their seventh generation of wine production the family are still looking at the future.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [RelatedProducts] => stdClass Object

            [SpecialPriceTestFlag] => NotTested
            [SpecialPriceTestFlagNo] => 0
            [UpdateStock] => 1
            [ConversionFactor] => 2
            [DiscountCaseRating] => 0
            [IsDelisted] => 
            [IsMixedPack] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack1] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack2] => 
            [MixedPack_TotalUnitQuantity] => 0
            [MixedPack_Items] => stdClass Object

            [Barcode_Bottle] => 
            [Barcode_Case] => 
            [Allergen_Sulphites] => 1
            [Allergen_Milk] => 2
            [Allergen_Egg] => 2
            [Allergen_Fish] => 2
            [Allergen_Nuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Cereals] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegetarian] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegan] => 2
            [Allergen_Crustaceans] => 2
            [Allergen_Peanuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Soybeans] => 2
            [Allergen_Celery] => 2
            [Allergen_Mustard] => 2
            [Allergen_Sesame] => 2
            [Allergen_Lupin] => 2
            [Allergen_Molluscs] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForGlutenFreeDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForEggIntoleranceDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForLowFatDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForLactoseIntoleranceDiet] => 1
            [LWIN_BaseCode] =>  
            [LWIN_FullCode] =>  


About this product +

Producer >

Bodegas Barbadillo was founded in 1821 in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. For two hundred years the family has been devoted to making quality wine with respect for tradition and a passion for innovation. This enduring commitment has earned Barbadillo its place as the foremost specialist in all sherry styles. With their origins in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, we are excited to introduce their range of exceptional Manzanillas. Their innovative approach is the future of this region, evolving and creating new styles to suit every palate. In their seventh generation of wine production the family are still looking at the future.

Viticulture >

Description Process: Once the fermentation of the Palomino must has finished, the most robust wines are selected and fortified with wine-based distilled spirit to bring the alcohol content up to 18%. This fortified wine is know as sobretablas and is destined for ageing in traditional Jerez botas, usually of 500 litre capacity. This ageing or crianza is achieved through oxidation of the wine whilst in barrel and racking within each tier of the criadera. This traditional system is characterised by the carefully orchestrated movement of wine between the Soleras and Criaderas within the different cellars. With this particular wine, the ageing process lasts for a period of 12 years. Once the wine is finally taken from the solera, it is carefully blended with PX that has itself been matured in the same system of Soleras and criaderas, in order to achieve the required sweetness of a sweet oloroso.

Winemaking >

Description Process: Once the fermentation of the Palomino must has finished, the most robust wines are selected and fortified with wine-based distilled spirit to bring the alcohol content up to 18%. This fortified wine is know as sobretablas and is destined for ageing in traditional Jerez botas, usually of 500 litre capacity. This ageing or crianza is achieved through oxidation of the wine whilst in barrel and racking within each tier of the criadera. This traditional system is characterised by the carefully orchestrated movement of wine between the Soleras and Criaderas within the different cellars. With this particular wine, the ageing process lasts for a period of 12 years. Once the wine is finally taken from the solera, it is carefully blended with PX that has itself been matured in the same system of Soleras and criaderas, in order to achieve the required sweetness of a sweet oloroso.

Awards +

"? 94 points – Guía Gourmets 2023
? 91 points – Guía Peñín 2023
? 93 points – Guía Gourmets 2022
? 92 points – Guía Peñín 2022
? 93 points – Guía Gourmets 2021
? 92 points – Guía Peñín 2021
? 94 points - Guía Gourmet 2020
? 90 points – Guía Peñín 2019
? 89 points – Guía Gourmets 2019
? 90 points – Guía Peñín 2018


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