Vintage NV

WATERFORD The Cuvée Whiskey

Waterford Whisky
Product Code: FF07NVFC

Tasting Notes

Pepper up front with oily spiciness that softens, starts dry but then gets mouth-watering & lingers where I close my eyes and relax!


Gold, sunrise, intense oils
Waterford Whisky
VI_Product Object
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            [Image1_URL] => FF07NVFC.PNG
            [Image2_URL] => FF07NVFC_2.PNG
            [Image3_URL] => 
            [Image1Type] => Png
            [Image2Type] => Png
            [Code] => FF07NVFC
            [SecondaryDescription] => WATERFORD The Cuvée  Whiskey
            [Description] => WATERFORD The Cuvée
            [Vintage] => NV
            [UnitSize] => 70
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            [VATType] => 0
            [VATRateNo] => 1
            [VATPercent] => 23
            [BinNo] => 
            [IsInCustomerList] => 
            [Notes1] => Blend of triple distilled Malt Whiskey with a lighter Irish grain whiskey.  Matured in former Bourbon and Sherry casks that gives it a rich, warming taste of fresh fruit and vanilla.


Our unique library of individual Waterford whiskies – 
derived from distinctive Irish terroirs – presents to us an 
unprecedented spectrum of natural flavours defined by 
Ireland’s soils & microclimates. Now, by layering such 
singular spirits together, each expressing its own 
identity, we alone are able to create this dynamic 
assemblage in which 25 individual Single Farm Origins 
coalesce to create The Cuvée. Thus beginning a new era 
for malt whisky. A celebration of a complexity only 
attainable from a fusion of individual terroirs, in this way 
– & in this bottle – we believe that the whole is greater 
than simply the sum of its parts.

            [Notes2] => 
            [Notes3] => 
            [Notes4] => 
            [MediaNotes] => 
            [ServingSuggestion] => 
            [WineMakingNotes] => 
            [CreationDate] => 2022-08-29T10:24:04.573
            [StockTotalBottles] => 88
            [StockCases] => 14
            [StockBottles] => 4
            [StockOnOrderTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderMaxDeliveryDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
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            [GroupCode] => P03
            [GroupName] => Spirits
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            [SuperGroupCode] => 05
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            [UnitDescription] => Centilitre
            [ReportTag] => Spirits
            [ReportTagCode] => F
            [WebProductCategory] => Drinks
            [WebProductCategoryCode] => 001
            [ExciseCode] => 6011
            [ExciseDescription] => HOME WHISKEY
            [Rating] => -1
            [MinimumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [MaximumOrderQuantity] => 99999999
            [AlcoholicPercentage] => 50
            [AlsoAvailableIn] => A
            [Appellation] => Irish Whiskey
            [ResidualSugar] => 0
            [TitratableAcidity] => 0
            [Type] => Spirits
            [TypeCode] => 91
            [Style] => Not applicable
            [StyleCode] => 016
            [OakedStyle] => Not Set
            [OakedStyleCode] => 0
            [ExpectedVintageChange] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion2] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion3] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion4] => Not Set
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            [FoodSuggestion2Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion3Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion4Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion5Code] => 0
            [OrganicBiodynamic] => Not Set
            [OrganicBiodynamicCode] => 000
            [ClosureStyle] => Screw Cap
            [ClosureStyleCode] => 30
            [WebDisplayRank] => 1
            [CustomListItem1] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem1Code] => 000
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            [CustomListItem2Code] => 000
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            [CustomListItem3Code] => 000
            [NextVintage] => 0
            [ConditionMarker] => Default Condition
            [CountryCode] => IE
            [CountryDescription] => IRELAND
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            [CustomDateTime1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomDate1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomTime1] => 00:00
            [CustCase] => 302
            [CustBott] => 50.33
            [CasePrice] => 302
            [CaseNett] => 302
            [CaseVAT] => 69.46
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            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
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            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
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            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
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            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Grapes] => stdClass Object
                    [Grape] => stdClass Object
                            [GrapeCode] => G992
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            [GrowerCode] => WAT
            [WinemakerCode] => WAT
            [OwnerCode] => WAT
            [ProducerCode] => WAT
            [Grower] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => WAT
                    [Name] => Waterford Whisky
                    [Address1] => Waterford
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] => Co Waterford
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => IRELAND
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] =>  
                    [Notes2] => Spirits
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Winemaker] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => WAT
                    [Name] => Waterford Whisky
                    [Address1] => Waterford
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] => Co Waterford
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => IRELAND
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] =>  
                    [Notes2] => Spirits
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Owner] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => WAT
                    [Name] => Waterford Whisky
                    [Address1] => Waterford
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] => Co Waterford
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => IRELAND
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] =>  
                    [Notes2] => Spirits
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Producer] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => WAT
                    [Name] => Waterford Whisky
                    [Address1] => Waterford
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] => Co Waterford
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => IRELAND
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] =>  
                    [Notes2] => Spirits
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [RelatedProducts] => stdClass Object

            [SpecialPriceTestFlag] => NotTested
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            [MixedPack_Items] => stdClass Object

            [Barcode_Bottle] => 
            [Barcode_Case] => 
            [Allergen_Sulphites] => 0
            [Allergen_Milk] => 0
            [Allergen_Egg] => 0
            [Allergen_Fish] => 0
            [Allergen_Nuts] => 0
            [Allergen_Cereals] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegetarian] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegan] => 0
            [Allergen_Crustaceans] => 0
            [Allergen_Peanuts] => 0
            [Allergen_Soybeans] => 0
            [Allergen_Celery] => 0
            [Allergen_Mustard] => 0
            [Allergen_Sesame] => 0
            [Allergen_Lupin] => 0
            [Allergen_Molluscs] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForGlutenFreeDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForEggIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLowFatDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLactoseIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [LWIN_BaseCode] => 0
            [LWIN_FullCode] =>  


About this product +

Producer >

The Worlds first Biodynamic Whisky. One of only four organic Whisky’s In Britain and Ireland. ‘The integrity of what Waterford is, is incorruptible’ – Mark Reynier on their whole approach. Unashamedly influenced by the world’s greatest winemakers, they obsessively bring the same intellectual drive, methodology and rigour to barley – the very source of malt whisky’s complex flavour. Extolling a hundred exclusive farms of Irish-grown barley, they search for natural flavours via three paths: their Single Farm Origins pursue the individualism of terroir-derived flavour; they are the building blocks of our Cuvées, where the whole is greater than the sum. Finally their Arcadian Barley expresses the intensity of flavour from exploring the old ways – of Organic, Biodynamic, Heritage and even Irish-peated barley.  Indeed, so thorough is their exploration of the frontiers of natural flavour that they  are the world’s largest producer of organic and biodynamic whiskies

Viticulture >

We rigorously apply the ancient terroir methodology to today’s verdant landscape of Ireland, home of the world’s finest barley. Now for the first time in single malt whisky – unashamedly inspired by the legendary châteaux of France – we reach the apogee of this radical philosophy. Our distillery, the technological marvel we call the Facilitator, enables us to create elite whisky – farm by farm, terroir by terroir. State-of-the-art equipment marries with ancient knowledge, locally grown Irish barley with extended fermentations, unhurried distillation & an array of exceptional oak. It has provided a unique library of Single Farm Origins – each expressing its own identity, its own voice. This unprecedented spectrum of flavours must now reach its crescendo: we have celebrated & explored the singles; now we produce our more immersive concept album. For layered together inthis cerebral fusion of flavours, these component Waterford Whiskies come together, culminating in our ultimate experience: textured, complex & compelling. The Cuvée, a synthesis of Single Farm Origins, an enigmatic gestalt, a milestone in our journey. The definitive Waterford Whisky. Our LodeStar

Winemaking >

Our distillery, the technological marvel we call the Facilitator, enables us to create elite whisky – farm by farm, terroir by terroir. State-of-the-art equipment marries with ancient knowledge, locally grown Irish barley with extended fermentations, unhurried distillation & an array of exceptional oak. It has provided a unique library of Single Farm Origins – each expressing its own identity, its own voice.

Awards +

Ratings +

Whisky Advocate’s Editors’ Choice

 Spring 2022 – 91 Points

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