
Tradicional Silver, Jose Cuervo

Jose Cuervo
Product Code: BQ18NVFC

Tasting Notes

Tradicional® Silver is 100% blue agave silver tequila. It is irresistibly refined. When bottled, a special process is used to conserve its flavor and finish at freezing temperatures. This means that it can, and should, be kept chilled in the freezer and served as a crisp, smooth, frozen shot.


Screw Cap
José Cuervo
VI_Product Object
     => stdClass Object
            [Image1_URL] => BQ18NVFC.JPG
            [Image2_URL] => 
            [Image3_URL] => 
            [Image1Type] => Jpeg
            [Code] => BQ18NVFC
            [SecondaryDescription] => Tradicional Silver, Jose Cuervo 
            [Description] => *Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver
            [Vintage] =>  
            [UnitSize] => 70
            [CaseSize] => 6
            [VATType] => 0
            [VATRateNo] => 1
            [VATPercent] => 23
            [BinNo] => 
            [IsInCustomerList] => 
            [Notes1] => 100% Blue Agave Tequila, the most authentic Tequila. Still made with the same traditional recipe and methods pioneered by Jose Cuervo in 1795. Double distilled and designed to be irresistibly refined, smooth and versatile with a strong agave note.
            [Notes2] => 
            [Notes3] => 
            [Notes4] => 
            [MediaNotes] => 
            [ServingSuggestion] => 
            [WineMakingNotes] => 
            [CreationDate] => 2017-02-07T14:28:00
            [StockTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockCases] => 0
            [StockBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderMaxDeliveryDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
            [BasketBottles] => 0
            [BasketCases] => 0
            [BsktLnNo] => 0
            [GroupCode] => P03
            [GroupName] => Spirits
            [SubGroupCode] => P0108
            [SuperGroupCode] => 05
            [SpecialPriceOverride] => 0
            [UnitDescription] => Centilitre
            [ReportTag] => Spirits
            [ReportTagCode] => F
            [WebProductCategory] => Drinks
            [WebProductCategoryCode] => 001
            [ExciseCode] => 5391
            [ExciseDescription] => IMP. SPIRITS OTHER EXC. 5.5%
            [Rating] => -1
            [MinimumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [MaximumOrderQuantity] => 99999999
            [AlcoholicPercentage] => 38
            [AlsoAvailableIn] => A
            [Appellation] => Tequila
            [ResidualSugar] => 0
            [TitratableAcidity] => 0
            [Type] => Spirits
            [TypeCode] => 91
            [Style] => Not applicable
            [StyleCode] => 016
            [OakedStyle] => Not Set
            [OakedStyleCode] => 0
            [ExpectedVintageChange] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion2] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion3] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion4] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion5] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion2Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion3Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion4Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion5Code] => 0
            [OrganicBiodynamic] => Not Set
            [OrganicBiodynamicCode] => 000
            [ClosureStyle] => Screw Cap
            [ClosureStyleCode] => 30
            [WebDisplayRank] => 1
            [CustomListItem1] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem1Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem2] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem2Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem3] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem3Code] => 000
            [NextVintage] => 0
            [ConditionMarker] => Default Condition
            [CountryCode] => MX
            [CountryDescription] => MEXICO
            [WebCode] => A
            [OnlySellMultiplesOf] => 0
            [MinimumStockLevel1] => 3
            [MinimumStockLevel2] => 5
            [AlternativeStockCode] => 71
            [PriceListType] => L
            [GroupPromotionCode] => 
            [GrossCaseWeight] => 7.33
            [SpareItem1] =>  
            [SpareItem2] =>  
            [SpareItem3] =>  
            [SpareItem4] =>  
            [SpareItem5] =>  
            [IsNewWebProduct] => 
            [CustomDateTime1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomDate1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomTime1] => 00:00
            [CustCase] => 186
            [CustBott] => 31
            [CasePrice] => 186
            [CaseNett] => 186
            [CaseVAT] => 42.78
            [CaseList] => 186
            [BottleNett] => 0
            [BottleVAT] => 0
            [CasePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 186
            [BottlePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band10] => 216
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band10] => 36
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band1] => 186
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band3] => 186
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Grapes] => stdClass Object
                    [Grape] => stdClass Object
                            [GrapeCode] => G992
                            [GrapeName] => Spirits
                            [GrapeCharacteristics] => 
                            [GrapePercent] => 100


            [GrowerCode] => BQ2
            [WinemakerCode] => BQ2
            [OwnerCode] => BQ2
            [ProducerCode] => BQ2
            [Grower] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BQ2
                    [Name] => José Cuervo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => MEXICO
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => http.//
                    [Notes1] => The oldest Tequila brand in the world from the town of Tequila in Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe, it is today the No 1 selling Tequila in the world. For over 250 years, they have been making tequila from the largest agave holdings in the world. The journey begins in the fields on the skirts of the Tequila Volcano. After seven years of maturation, the agave plants are harvested and their cores, or “piñas,” are sent to the La Rojeña distillery. There, they are roasted, grinded, and smashed. The resulting extract is placed into fermentation tanks. Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection in toasted barrels.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  Jose Cuervo is the oldest Tequila brand in the world, from the town of Tequila, Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo, it is today the no. 1 selling tequila in the world. 
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Winemaker] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BQ2
                    [Name] => José Cuervo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => MEXICO
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => http.//
                    [Notes1] => The oldest Tequila brand in the world from the town of Tequila in Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe, it is today the No 1 selling Tequila in the world. For over 250 years, they have been making tequila from the largest agave holdings in the world. The journey begins in the fields on the skirts of the Tequila Volcano. After seven years of maturation, the agave plants are harvested and their cores, or “piñas,” are sent to the La Rojeña distillery. There, they are roasted, grinded, and smashed. The resulting extract is placed into fermentation tanks. Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection in toasted barrels.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  Jose Cuervo is the oldest Tequila brand in the world, from the town of Tequila, Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo, it is today the no. 1 selling tequila in the world. 
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Owner] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BQ2
                    [Name] => José Cuervo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => MEXICO
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => http.//
                    [Notes1] => The oldest Tequila brand in the world from the town of Tequila in Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe, it is today the No 1 selling Tequila in the world. For over 250 years, they have been making tequila from the largest agave holdings in the world. The journey begins in the fields on the skirts of the Tequila Volcano. After seven years of maturation, the agave plants are harvested and their cores, or “piñas,” are sent to the La Rojeña distillery. There, they are roasted, grinded, and smashed. The resulting extract is placed into fermentation tanks. Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection in toasted barrels.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  Jose Cuervo is the oldest Tequila brand in the world, from the town of Tequila, Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo, it is today the no. 1 selling tequila in the world. 
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Producer] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => BQ2
                    [Name] => José Cuervo
                    [Address1] =>  
                    [Address2] =>  
                    [Address3] =>  
                    [Address4] =>  
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => MEXICO
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => http.//
                    [Notes1] => The oldest Tequila brand in the world from the town of Tequila in Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe, it is today the No 1 selling Tequila in the world. For over 250 years, they have been making tequila from the largest agave holdings in the world. The journey begins in the fields on the skirts of the Tequila Volcano. After seven years of maturation, the agave plants are harvested and their cores, or “piñas,” are sent to the La Rojeña distillery. There, they are roasted, grinded, and smashed. The resulting extract is placed into fermentation tanks. Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection in toasted barrels.
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  Jose Cuervo is the oldest Tequila brand in the world, from the town of Tequila, Mexico. Founded in 1795 by Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo, it is today the no. 1 selling tequila in the world. 
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [RelatedProducts] => stdClass Object

            [SpecialPriceTestFlag] => NotTested
            [SpecialPriceTestFlagNo] => 0
            [UpdateStock] => 1
            [ConversionFactor] => 2
            [DiscountCaseRating] => 0
            [IsDelisted] => 
            [IsMixedPack] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack1] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack2] => 
            [MixedPack_TotalUnitQuantity] => 0
            [MixedPack_Items] => stdClass Object

            [Barcode_Bottle] => 17501035013114
            [Barcode_Case] => 17501035013114
            [Allergen_Sulphites] => 2
            [Allergen_Milk] => 2
            [Allergen_Egg] => 2
            [Allergen_Fish] => 2
            [Allergen_Nuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Cereals] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegetarian] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegan] => 1
            [Allergen_Crustaceans] => 2
            [Allergen_Peanuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Soybeans] => 2
            [Allergen_Celery] => 2
            [Allergen_Mustard] => 2
            [Allergen_Sesame] => 2
            [Allergen_Lupin] => 2
            [Allergen_Molluscs] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForGlutenFreeDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForEggIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLowFatDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLactoseIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [LWIN_BaseCode] => 0
            [LWIN_FullCode] => 0


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