
Cachacas Yaguara Organico

Fruity and aromatic mature, soft structure and light acidiy, with notes of chamomille and lemon grass.

Product Code: PZ06NVFC


Cachaça Yaguara
VI_Product Object
     => stdClass Object
            [Image1_URL] => 
            [Image2_URL] => 
            [Image3_URL] => 
            [Code] => PZ06NVFC
            [SecondaryDescription] => Cachacas Yaguara Organico
            [Description] => Cachacas Yaguara Organico
            [Vintage] =>  
            [UnitSize] => 70
            [CaseSize] => 6
            [VATType] => 0
            [VATRateNo] => 1
            [VATPercent] => 23
            [BinNo] => 
            [IsInCustomerList] => 
            [Notes1] => 
            [Notes2] => 
            [Notes3] => 
            [Notes4] => 
            [MediaNotes] => 
            [ServingSuggestion] => 
            [WineMakingNotes] => 
            [CreationDate] => 2022-07-13T16:57:54.94
            [StockTotalBottles] => 20
            [StockCases] => 3
            [StockBottles] => 2
            [StockOnOrderTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderMaxDeliveryDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
            [BasketBottles] => 0
            [BasketCases] => 0
            [BsktLnNo] => 0
            [GroupCode] => P03
            [GroupName] => Spirits
            [SubGroupCode] => P0109
            [SuperGroupCode] => 05
            [SpecialPriceOverride] => 0
            [UnitDescription] => Centilitre
            [ReportTag] => Standard Product
            [ReportTagCode] => A
            [WebProductCategory] => Drinks
            [WebProductCategoryCode] => 001
            [ExciseCode] => 5391
            [ExciseDescription] => IMP. SPIRITS OTHER EXC. 5.5%
            [Rating] => -1
            [MinimumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [MaximumOrderQuantity] => 99999999
            [AlcoholicPercentage] => 41
            [AlsoAvailableIn] =>  
            [Appellation] => Pisco
            [ResidualSugar] => 0
            [TitratableAcidity] => 0
            [Type] => Spirits
            [TypeCode] => 91
            [Style] => Not applicable
            [StyleCode] => 016
            [OakedStyle] => Not Set
            [OakedStyleCode] => 0
            [ExpectedVintageChange] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion2] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion3] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion4] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion5] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion2Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion3Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion4Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion5Code] => 0
            [OrganicBiodynamic] => Not Set
            [OrganicBiodynamicCode] => 000
            [ClosureStyle] => Cork
            [ClosureStyleCode] => 10
            [WebDisplayRank] => 1
            [CustomListItem1] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem1Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem2] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem2Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem3] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem3Code] => 000
            [NextVintage] => 0
            [ConditionMarker] => Default Condition
            [CountryCode] => PE
            [CountryDescription] => PERU
            [WebCode] => A
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            [MinimumStockLevel2] => 5
            [AlternativeStockCode] => 71
            [PriceListType] => L
            [GroupPromotionCode] => 
            [GrossCaseWeight] => 7.58
            [SpareItem1] =>  
            [SpareItem2] =>  
            [SpareItem3] =>  
            [SpareItem4] =>  
            [SpareItem5] =>  
            [IsNewWebProduct] => 
            [CustomDateTime1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomDate1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomTime1] => 00:00
            [CustCase] => 242
            [CustBott] => 40.33
            [CasePrice] => 242
            [CaseNett] => 242
            [CaseVAT] => 55.66
            [CaseList] => 242
            [BottleNett] => 0
            [BottleVAT] => 0
            [CasePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 242
            [BottlePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band10] => 180
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band10] => 30
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band1] => 242
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band3] => 242
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Grapes] => stdClass Object
                    [Grape] => stdClass Object
                            [GrapeCode] => G992
                            [GrapeName] => Spirits
                            [GrapeCharacteristics] => 
                            [GrapePercent] => 100


            [GrowerCode] => CACH
            [WinemakerCode] => PZ04
            [OwnerCode] => PZ04
            [ProducerCode] => PZ04
            [Grower] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => CACH
                    [Name] => Cachacas Yaguara
                    [Address1] => Av Jorge Basadre 310
                    [Address2] => Oficina 501
                    [Address3] => San Isidro
                    [Address4] => Lima
                    [Address5] => Peru
                    [Country] => Not Set
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] =>  
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Winemaker] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => PZ04
                    [Name] => Destileria La Caravedo
                    [Address1] => Av Jorge Basadre 310
                    [Address2] => Oficina 501
                    [Address3] => San Isidro
                    [Address4] => Lima
                    [Address5] => Peru
                    [Country] => Not Set
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Owner] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => PZ04
                    [Name] => Destileria La Caravedo
                    [Address1] => Av Jorge Basadre 310
                    [Address2] => Oficina 501
                    [Address3] => San Isidro
                    [Address4] => Lima
                    [Address5] => Peru
                    [Country] => Not Set
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Producer] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => PZ04
                    [Name] => Destileria La Caravedo
                    [Address1] => Av Jorge Basadre 310
                    [Address2] => Oficina 501
                    [Address3] => San Isidro
                    [Address4] => Lima
                    [Address5] => Peru
                    [Country] => Not Set
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] => 0
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] =>  
                    [Notes3] =>  
                    [Notes4] =>  
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [RelatedProducts] => stdClass Object

            [SpecialPriceTestFlag] => NotTested
            [SpecialPriceTestFlagNo] => 0
            [UpdateStock] => 1
            [ConversionFactor] => 2
            [DiscountCaseRating] => 0
            [IsDelisted] => 
            [IsMixedPack] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack1] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack2] => 
            [MixedPack_TotalUnitQuantity] => 0
            [MixedPack_Items] => stdClass Object

            [Barcode_Bottle] => 736040523956
            [Barcode_Case] => 736040523956
            [Allergen_Sulphites] => 2
            [Allergen_Milk] => 2
            [Allergen_Egg] => 2
            [Allergen_Fish] => 2
            [Allergen_Nuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Cereals] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegetarian] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegan] => 1
            [Allergen_Crustaceans] => 2
            [Allergen_Peanuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Soybeans] => 2
            [Allergen_Celery] => 2
            [Allergen_Mustard] => 2
            [Allergen_Sesame] => 2
            [Allergen_Lupin] => 2
            [Allergen_Molluscs] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForGlutenFreeDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForEggIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLowFatDiet] => 0
            [Allergen_SuitableForLactoseIntoleranceDiet] => 0
            [LWIN_BaseCode] => 0
            [LWIN_FullCode] =>  


About this product +

Producer >

No.1 Trending Cachaça. ‘Drinks International 2021 & 2022 Small batch artisanal Cachaça. Perfectly blended for a refined taste. The product of five generations of family passion, this is their story, a Cachaça story - A Brazilian story.

Viticulture >

A ‘marriage’ of the finest white cachaça and the traditional Menaghel family recipe. Handcut organic sugarcane. Fermented with local yeast One time artisanal pot still distillation. Retaining only the heart. Rested for 10 months and blended with 6 year old aged in oak barrels. Sustainable distillation and bottling process. Developed by legendary Master Distiller Erwin Weimann. Organic certified Java grown in local fields We hand cut the head and tail off leaving only the juicy center for productions. All canes are washed before grinding. Ground in a traditional terno. Filtered to get any excess bagasse out.

Winemaking >

Yaguara Cachaça is the result of five generations of family tradition and an ambition to create the world’s finest white cachaça. Cut by hand and distilled in small 750L batches, the liquid is born of the latest distilling technology and over one hundred years of artisanal know-how.

Awards +

Ratings +

Drinks International 2021 & 2022 Small batch artisanal Cachaça. 

No.1 Trending Cachaça.


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