Vintage 2019

Amarone della Valpolicella Classico, Zenato

Product Code: ZT06ZZRC

Tasting Notes

"Colour: red, becoming garnet red with ageing. Bouquet: elegant and spicy with hints of cherry, Marasca cherry, dry fruit and prunes Taste: rounded, velvety, enveloping and soft" Intense, full-bodied opulent wine with smooth plums and dark cherry fruits, lingering beautifully in the mouth.


Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
VI_Product Object
     => stdClass Object
            [Image1_URL] => ZT06ZZRC.JPG
            [Image2_URL] => ZT06ZZRC_2.JPG
            [Image3_URL] => 
            [Image1Type] => Jpeg
            [Image2Type] => Jpeg
            [Code] => ZT06ZZRC
            [SecondaryDescription] => Amarone della Valpolicella Classico, Zenato
            [Description] => Amarone Zenato
            [Vintage] => 2019
            [UnitSize] => 75
            [CaseSize] => 6
            [VATType] => 0
            [VATRateNo] => 1
            [VATPercent] => 23
            [BinNo] => 
            [IsInCustomerList] => 
            [Notes1] => "Colour: red, becoming garnet red with ageing.
Bouquet: elegant and spicy with hints of cherry, Marasca cherry, dry fruit and prunes
Taste: rounded, velvety, enveloping and soft"		

Intense, full-bodied opulent wine with smooth plums and dark cherry fruits, lingering beautifully in the mouth.	

            [Notes2] => Zenato has 95 hectares of vineyards between their Zenato di Santa Cristina estate in San Benedetto di Lugana on the shores of Lake Garda and their Costalunga estate in Valpolicella, 30 kilometres away to the north east. The Corvina Veronese, Rondinella, Oseleta and Croatina grapes used to produce this Amarone are grown in a vineyard located in Sant’Ambrogio della Valpolicella, a hilly area with an exposure to south east and south west. The altitude here is 300-350 metres and the soil is mainly limestone/clay with rock fragments. The vines are planted at a density of 5,000 plants per hectare and are farmed conventionally. Harvesting is done in the second half of September and the first half of October by hand.
            [Notes3] => Dense layers of opulent spicy sweet dark forest fruits.
            [Notes4] => Intense, full-bodied opulent wine with smooth plums and dark cherry fruits, lingering beautifully in the mouth.
            [MediaNotes] => Red wines with mouth-filling full flavour, tannin and alcohol.
            [ServingSuggestion] => recommended with roasted meat, grilled meat, game and mature cheeses or enjoyed without a meal.			

            [WineMakingNotes] => 80% Corvina, 10% Rondinella, 10% Oseleta and Croatina. Fermented with raisined berries and fermented in oak for 36 months.
            [CreationDate] => 1980-01-01T00:00:00
            [StockTotalBottles] => 4
            [StockCases] => 0
            [StockBottles] => 4
            [StockOnOrderTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableTotalBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableCases] => 0
            [StockOnOrderAvailableBottles] => 0
            [StockOnOrderMaxDeliveryDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
            [BasketBottles] => 0
            [BasketCases] => 0
            [BsktLnNo] => 0
            [GroupCode] => B06
            [GroupName] => Veneto
            [SubGroupCode] =>  
            [SuperGroupCode] => 12
            [SpecialPriceOverride] => 0
            [UnitDescription] => Centilitre
            [ReportTag] => Standard Product
            [ReportTagCode] => A
            [WebProductCategory] => Drinks
            [WebProductCategoryCode] => 001
            [ExciseCode] => 3102
            [ExciseDescription] => IMP. STILL WINE EXC. 15% VOL
            [Rating] => 0
            [MinimumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [MaximumOrderQuantity] => 0
            [AlcoholicPercentage] => 16.5
            [AlsoAvailableIn] =>  
            [Appellation] => Valpolicella DOC
            [ResidualSugar] => 4.5
            [TitratableAcidity] => 6.4
            [Type] => Red
            [TypeCode] => 10
            [Style] => Complex & sophisticated
            [StyleCode] => 005
            [OakedStyle] => Not Set
            [OakedStyleCode] => 0
            [ExpectedVintageChange] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion2] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion3] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion4] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion5] => Not Set
            [FoodSuggestion1Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion2Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion3Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion4Code] => 0
            [FoodSuggestion5Code] => 0
            [OrganicBiodynamic] => Not Set
            [OrganicBiodynamicCode] => 000
            [ClosureStyle] => Cork
            [ClosureStyleCode] => 10
            [WebDisplayRank] => 1
            [CustomListItem1] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem1Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem2] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem2Code] => 000
            [CustomListItem3] => Not Set
            [CustomListItem3Code] => 000
            [NextVintage] =>  
            [ConditionMarker] => Default Condition
            [CountryCode] => IT
            [CountryDescription] => ITALY
            [WebCode] => A
            [OnlySellMultiplesOf] => 1
            [MinimumStockLevel1] => 0
            [MinimumStockLevel2] => 6
            [AlternativeStockCode] => 688
            [PriceListType] => L
            [GroupPromotionCode] => 
            [GrossCaseWeight] => 8
            [SpareItem1] =>  
            [SpareItem2] =>  
            [SpareItem3] =>  
            [SpareItem4] =>  
            [SpareItem5] =>  
            [IsNewWebProduct] => 
            [CustomDateTime1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomDate1] => 1899-12-30T00:00:00
            [CustomTime1] => 00:00
            [CustCase] => 260
            [CustBott] => 43.33
            [CasePrice] => 260
            [CaseNett] => 260
            [CaseVAT] => 59.8
            [CaseList] => 260
            [BottleNett] => 0
            [BottleVAT] => 0
            [CasePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 260
            [BottlePrice_OptionalPriceBand] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Retail_CasePrice_Band10] => 312
            [Retail_BottlePrice_Band10] => 52
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band1] => 260
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band1] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band2] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band3] => 260
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band3] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band4] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band5] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band6] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band7] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band8] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band9] => 0
            [Trade_CasePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Trade_BottlePrice_Band10] => 0
            [Grapes] => stdClass Object
                    [Grape] => stdClass Object
                            [GrapeCode] => G074
                            [GrapeName] => Corvina
                            [GrapeCharacteristics] => 
                            [GrapePercent] => 100


            [GrowerCode] => ZT
            [WinemakerCode] => ZT
            [OwnerCode] => ZT
            [ProducerCode] => ZT
            [Grower] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => ZT
                    [Name] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address1] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address2] => 8,Via San Benedetto
                    [Address3] => Peschiera del Garda
                    [Address4] => Verona
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => ITALY
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] => 
                    [Notes3] => Veneto
                    [Notes4] => Founded by sergio zenato in 1960, the azienda is now in the hands of his children, alberto and nadia.  the largest vineyard holdings are in lugana where they were responsible for the rebirth of the region.  they also have significant propertie in valpolicella where they produce a range of charming, approachable wines.  ripassa is the flagship wine but all the wines offer genuine good value.  in 2012 custoza and bardolino were added to the range. both wonderfully fruity, fresh wines and were followed by pinot grigio and corni, which are enjoying great success.
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Winemaker] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => ZT
                    [Name] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address1] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address2] => 8,Via San Benedetto
                    [Address3] => Peschiera del Garda
                    [Address4] => Verona
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => ITALY
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] => 
                    [Notes3] => Veneto
                    [Notes4] => Founded by sergio zenato in 1960, the azienda is now in the hands of his children, alberto and nadia.  the largest vineyard holdings are in lugana where they were responsible for the rebirth of the region.  they also have significant propertie in valpolicella where they produce a range of charming, approachable wines.  ripassa is the flagship wine but all the wines offer genuine good value.  in 2012 custoza and bardolino were added to the range. both wonderfully fruity, fresh wines and were followed by pinot grigio and corni, which are enjoying great success.
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Owner] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => ZT
                    [Name] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address1] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address2] => 8,Via San Benedetto
                    [Address3] => Peschiera del Garda
                    [Address4] => Verona
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => ITALY
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] => 
                    [Notes3] => Veneto
                    [Notes4] => Founded by sergio zenato in 1960, the azienda is now in the hands of his children, alberto and nadia.  the largest vineyard holdings are in lugana where they were responsible for the rebirth of the region.  they also have significant propertie in valpolicella where they produce a range of charming, approachable wines.  ripassa is the flagship wine but all the wines offer genuine good value.  in 2012 custoza and bardolino were added to the range. both wonderfully fruity, fresh wines and were followed by pinot grigio and corni, which are enjoying great success.
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [Producer] => stdClass Object
                    [Code] => ZT
                    [Name] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address1] => Azienda Vitivinicola Zenato
                    [Address2] => 8,Via San Benedetto
                    [Address3] => Peschiera del Garda
                    [Address4] => Verona
                    [Address5] =>  
                    [Country] => ITALY
                    [Phone] =>  
                    [Fax] =>  
                    [Email] =>  
                    [Website] =>  
                    [Notes1] => 
                    [Notes2] => 
                    [Notes3] => Veneto
                    [Notes4] => Founded by sergio zenato in 1960, the azienda is now in the hands of his children, alberto and nadia.  the largest vineyard holdings are in lugana where they were responsible for the rebirth of the region.  they also have significant propertie in valpolicella where they produce a range of charming, approachable wines.  ripassa is the flagship wine but all the wines offer genuine good value.  in 2012 custoza and bardolino were added to the range. both wonderfully fruity, fresh wines and were followed by pinot grigio and corni, which are enjoying great success.
                    [Notes5] =>  
                    [Image1_URL] => 
                    [Image2_URL] => 
                    [Image3_URL] => 

            [RelatedProducts] => stdClass Object

            [SpecialPriceTestFlag] => NotTested
            [SpecialPriceTestFlagNo] => 0
            [UpdateStock] => 1
            [ConversionFactor] => 2
            [DiscountCaseRating] => 0
            [IsDelisted] => 
            [IsMixedPack] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack1] => 
            [MixedPack_AlliedPack2] => 
            [MixedPack_TotalUnitQuantity] => 0
            [MixedPack_Items] => stdClass Object

            [Barcode_Bottle] => 80056311 00220
            [Barcode_Case] => 80056311 00220
            [Allergen_Sulphites] => 1
            [Allergen_Milk] => 2
            [Allergen_Egg] => 2
            [Allergen_Fish] => 2
            [Allergen_Nuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Cereals] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegetarian] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForVegan] => 1
            [Allergen_Crustaceans] => 2
            [Allergen_Peanuts] => 2
            [Allergen_Soybeans] => 2
            [Allergen_Celery] => 2
            [Allergen_Mustard] => 2
            [Allergen_Sesame] => 2
            [Allergen_Lupin] => 2
            [Allergen_Molluscs] => 2
            [Allergen_SuitableForGlutenFreeDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForEggIntoleranceDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForLowFatDiet] => 1
            [Allergen_SuitableForLactoseIntoleranceDiet] => 1
            [LWIN_BaseCode] =>  
            [LWIN_FullCode] =>  


About this product +

Producer >

Founded by Sergio Zenato in 1960, the Azienda is now in the hands of his children, Alberto and Nadia. With 95 hectares, running from the banks of Lake Garda to nearby Valpolicella, the largest vineyard holdings are in Lugana where they were responsible for the rebirth of the region. Their Valpolicella vineyards are all in the ‘classic zone’. The wines are fermented according to their vineyard sites and ageing potential. The whites and the Bardolino are generally tank fermented whilst the majority of the reds and the Sergio Zenato range all receive time in different types of oak with four years in Slovenian casks for the Amarone Riserva.

Viticulture >

Zenato has 95 hectares of vineyards between their Zenato di Santa Cristina estate in San Benedetto di Lugana on the shores of Lake Garda and their Costalunga estate in Valpolicella, 30 kilometres away to the north east. The Corvina Veronese, Rondinella, Oseleta and Croatina grapes used to produce this Amarone are grown in a vineyard located in Sant’Ambrogio della Valpolicella, a hilly area with an exposure to south east and south west. The altitude here is 300-350 metres and the soil is mainly limestone/clay with rock fragments. The vines are planted at a density of 5,000 plants per hectare and are farmed conventionally. Harvesting is done in the second half of September and the first half of October by hand.

Winemaking >

80% Corvina, 10% Rondinella, 10% Oseleta and Croatina. Fermented with raisined berries and fermented in oak for 36 months.

Awards +

Red wines with mouth-filling full flavour, tannin and alcohol.

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